If you found cat that is experiencing a medical emergency, immediately call 311. Our local shelters and animal control will assist with sick and injured animals.
If you Have a Question about Feral Cats, You’ve Come to the Right Place!
Do you need help with feral, stray or un-owned (community) cats in your neighborhood or work place? Our site is intended to provide you with all the resources necessary to help you combat this issue. Sacramento has a number of free and low-cost options available.
Although a cat in your yard could be a neighbor’s cat or a stray, it might very well be a feral cat. Feral cats are not social. They typically avoid people and can’t be touched. These cats make their home outdoors in groups known as colonies. Stray cats had human interaction at some point and were formerly social. For some reason, they have become displaced. Stray cats may also become feral over time. Both feral and stray cats are also called community cats. All of these combinations are found living in communities throughout the world.
What Can be Done to Help?
Trap, Neuter and Return, or TNR, is the most successful and proven method of reducing feral cat populations worldwide. TNR involves the trapping, spaying or neutering, and vaccination of the cats. These vetted cats are then returned to their original location. Any cats or kittens that are social enough should be removed and placed for adoption. The number of existing cats is reduced, and because there will be no more kittens, the colony becomes stable.
The old method of feral cat control was to trap and euthanize the cats. However, once these cats were trapped and removed from a neighborhood, the cat problem did not go away. The reality is that trapping and removing cats won’t resolve the cat problem. This old method has proven ineffective.
Getting Started
How to TNR